The Path of the White Rose

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Our Evolving Earth Video: Josh and His Cat Scout - A Mutual Rescue

I love to spread awareness about the good in the world. Once a month I share a story and video that will open the heart to compassion and human kindness. Stories like this can inspire you, give you hope, soften the walls around your heart that life can build around it.

Because all healing and all change will come from the heart.

Eileen Anglin

Even before he was my cat, before he even knew me that well, Scout saved my life. He put me on a different path. He gave me the confidence to try to come back from all the adversity that I was feeling.” —Josh Marino

“Josh & Scout” A Mutual Rescue™ Film

Have you been helped by my videos or writings? Support my website so that I may help more people shine their light, because the world needs it.

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